Fast and predictable customer onboardingAn entirely new way of converting data
Software customers want onboarding to fast and simple – butcustomer onboarding teams say unpredictable customer datamakes onboarding slow, manual and costly
Customer Onboarding teams know that Software Buyers list “Simpleonboarding” as the #1 most important consideration when purchasing newsoftware. But the customer’s messy data and lack of automation toolsresult in slow, manual and expensive implementations. ~70% of customerssay data conversion is the #1 challenge to successful onboarding.
Solution: AI-based customer onboarding
By training AI-models with domain-specific content and activatingmetadata across every step of migrating data, it is now possible toautomate tasks that required expert knowledge, such as:
• Data mapping, including many-to-many
• Data transformations
• Data anomaly detection, cleansing and enrichment
• Testing and reconciliation
The power of automation
With Zengines, there’s a better way.
Understanding that “the data” is often the culprit of derailed migrations,we start with the steadfast principle of “load data early, fast, and often”.
Zengines combines the latest in data science, data integration, and deepdata experience to produce a unified data conversion platform that getssmarter with each use. The platform enables project teams to reduce riskacross difficult data conversion projects and get clients up and running ontarget systems months or years earlier. Zengines is the first to use AIalgorithms tailored specifically for the financial services industry.
The Zengines platform automates complex, manual processes and reducesthe reliance on scarce subject matter experts. The result is fasterconversions, lower costs, reduced risk and better customer onboarding.
Frictionless data conversions
Zengines offers
• AI-onboarding SaaS solution
• Interactive application, usableby business analysts
• User dashboards, with flexible UI, reporting, and audit trails
• Product support from industry and data domain experts
Zengines produces
• Import files fully mapped, transformed, andloaded with customer data (database updates,load files, csv imports)
• AI-based data mapping predictions
• AI-based transformation rules to cleanse the data▪ Metadata catalog
• Data profiling, anomalies, exception reports
• Reconciliation reporting